Wednesday, August 5, 2009

R.I.P .& i miss my doggies !!!!!!!!!

okay well today's a sad day for me & right now ; i don't really feel like continuing my story. but i guess i should tell you why I'm sad, right. So it's like 10:03 and me and my grandma are waiting for my aunt Gloria 2 pick us up. we will be going to the hospital . were my aunt Goldie is dying of cancer. we were told she only has about a week to a month left to live. :( these last couple of years have been bad w l death for this family. My uncle Basil, who was Goldie's wife passed away & it was really sad. And then the baby of the household, bear, died. Yes, he was a dog. bear was the fun-loving, extremely cute munchkin. He was so funny, he would run around the house for hours. he was my grandmother's dog but he was my baby too. he was always there for us & we really miss him . i couldn't handle it, i was crying and screaming and sooooo upset!!!!!! but the death that was the saddest for me&my grandma, was the death of my great-great grandma Dicie. she passed on last December, right around Christmas. That was terrible. Dicie was from West Virginia, so we had the funeral there, we drove up there and reconnected with old family , that we really hadn't seen in a long time. It was extremely sad and there was a lot of tears shed! And this morning, as we were getting ready to go to the hospital, we received a call. Out uncle Lou had passed away at 12:33 last night. i didn't really know him that well, but it's still sad.
R.I.P pop pop & uncle basil & grandma dicie & bear& uncle Lou !

it felt so much better to write that down . !!! i also miss my dog, coal ! he was my PUPPY-WUPPY! he was a chocolate lab. my dad got him for Christmas about 2 years ago when we were living in the Eastern Shore. but of course, we moved after a year of living there. like we do any other place. ( I'll dish more about that later . the family's a longggggggggg session. lol) and poor one-year-old-coal had to deal with the consequences. so first i moved in w l my aunt Dyanne( i have ALOT of aunts&uncles. ) & coal stayed there. but he ate everything out back & ran through the screen of the back door. that was a funny time ! he broke through the screen and raced through the house . then he saw the front door, which was made of a thick , kind of plastic type glass. he ran into that. it was so funny. like he was just running and couldn't stop. so he went plopp and then looked up at me. and i started laughing, and when people laugh at him he grows crazy & starts barking, and running in circles and stuff. which just made me laugh more. well long story short, i had to move again & the place where me and my dad were going to live did not allow large, , crazy animals that eat sides of houses ! yup, coal actually ate the side of our old house off. aha, let's not forget that time when he was little, he ALMOST got washed in the washing machine. veryyy long & funny story !! okay, so my aunt Dyanne met someone that was looking for a hunting dog. he had a lot of land, for coal to run around in, and other dog's he could play with. he also had the money & time 2 take care of him. so, i know coal's happy now but i still miss the crap out of him!!!

I'm happy we got to keep my little kitty-Kat . her name is reiley(or Riley , ). that little cat is a crazy one, I'll tell ya that.
okay so, my aunt Gloria will be here soon so i gotta go grab my books & iPod for the long car ride there. I'll tell more about reiley & the secrets my journaling skills have picked up. ha ha-loll
well, until next time . . . .. . .

PrInCeSz OF sEcReTs~*!
keep those lips closed ~ tell meeee your secrets
So can you ? -Keep a secret , that is . it can make you wonder, what kind of people would let secrets eat away inside of them . how far will certain people go to keep certain things under wraps. you wanna know what kind of people ; i'll tell ya. HuMaNs . everyone has that little dark secret . me, you, people reading this ( haha i wish), the lady next door , the most popular girl or boy at school. yup, thats right . everyone does. and some handle it differently .some deal with it by drugs, alcohol , prescription pills, yelling, screaming, fighting. thats just some of the many different ways. there's alotta secrets out there. maybe you kissed your best friends boyfriend, you stole something from Royal Farms, whatever the case may be , the point is noone's perfect. everyone makes mistakes , and has a secret . it may not be bad . just something you'd rather the world not know. are you gay ? a secret barney addict ? me - im more of an elmo-typa-girl :) so everyone says the cure 2 a secret-is soooo simple. just belt 'er out . yeah, i dont like those people either . but they might be right . so i started this blog. to let out some of my secrets . nobody knows me on here & it'll help me feel better? were do i sign ? _____________ lol . and i doubt my witty charm will attract many readers :)

wait until my next post. thing are just heatin' up. it's gonna get a lot juicer !

i'll reel you into my Web of Deceit and Betrayal .
until then , keep those lips closed .& tell me your secrets .
-pRiNcEsS of SeCrEtS :)~